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Feminist post-development thought :

Additional authors: Saunders, Kriemild.
Series: Zed Books on women and development Published by : Zed Books ; | Distributed in the US by Palgrave, (London ; | New York : | New York :) Physical details: xv, 368 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN:1856499464; 1856499472 (pbk.) :. Year: 2002
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Books Books Postgraduate Library
Non-fiction 338.90082 (Browse shelf) c2 Available pl0003334
Books Books Postgraduate Library
Non-fiction 338.90082 (Browse shelf) c2 Available pl0003335

Papers presented at a conference held 1998 at the City University of New York.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [331]-356) and index.

Lessons from the field : rethinking empowerment, gender and development from a post-(post-?) development perspective / Jane Parpart -- Dismantling the master's house with the master's tools? : gender work in and with powerful bureaucracies / Kathleen Staudt -- Trails of turquoise : feminist enquiry and counter-development in Ladakh, India / Ravina Aggarwal -- Counter-geographies of globalization : feminization of survival / Saskia Sassen -- Engendering globalization in an era of transnational capital : new cross-border alliances and strategies of resistance in a post-NAFTA Mexico / Marianne H. Marchand -- Development : feminist theory's cul-de-sac / Marnia Lazreg -- Picture more at variance : of desire and development in the People's Republic of China / Tani Barlow -- Developmentalist feminism and neocolonialism in Andean communities / Frédérique Apffel-Marglin, Loyda Sanchez -- Mad cows and sacred cows / Vandana Shiva -- Global circulations : nature, culture and the possibility of systainable development / Banu Subramaniam, James Bever, Peggy Schultz -- Do the marginalized valorize the margins? :exploring the dangers of difference / Meera Nanda -- Participatory research : a tool in the production of knowledge in development discourse / Patience Elabor-Idemudia -- Ethnographic acts : writing women and other political fields / Piya Chatterjee -- Practising theory through women's bodies : public violence and women's strategies of power and place / Ramona Pérez -- Body politics : revisiting the population question / Wendy Harcourt -- Reproductive technologies : a Third World feminist perspective / Esther Wangari -- Gender, bodies, and cosmos in Mesoamerica / Sylvia Marcos.

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